About the Center

The Center for Ground and Surface Water Management

The main objective of the center is to ensure water sustainability by recharging the aquifer and diversifying water sources through rainwater harvesting projects such as the construction of dams (sub-surface, storage, and sand dams) to ensure the sustainability of the aquifer while reducing the stress of water demand on the aquifer, and providing clean surface water to the population,. Thus, the center will be focusing on constructing surface water treatment facilities in the near future. Moreover, the center also focuses on recording real-time data on the water levels to study and assess the effects of climate change and over-extraction on the levels of water and the sustainability of the aquifer. Furthermore, the center also puts efforts into environmental sustainability as its recent project was on invasive plant control such as Prosopis. Juliflora, while also navigating through the potentiality of switching to hybrid renewable energy systems to improve air quality, while also cutting costs on non-renewable energy sources. Furthermore, the center possesses many assets which include heavy machinery that assists in carrying out the different projects at the agency.


Muna AbdAllah Ismail 

Director, Center for Ground and Surface Water Management (HWA)


Responsibility of the Center:

  • Sustainability of water resources & infrastructure management.
  • Study the surface & ground water resources of each basin.
  • Monitor the reserve & mitigate contamination to maintain a healthy ground water system.
  • Design and constructing dams to control run off and increase the recharge.
  • Promote rooftop rain water harvesting.
  • To control the expansion of Prosopis Juliflora trees which excessive amount of water ranges from 1-36 litter/day.
  • Trainings
  • Managing heavy machineries.