Hargeisa Water Quality Control (HWQCL) is a regional bacteriological water testing and chemical analysis laboratory with scientific rigor and reliability . We provide certainty and peace of mind when it comes to knowing what’s in your water.
Hargeisa Water Quality Control (HWQCL) uses latest analytical operating procedure such ‘Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and waste water,23rd Edition’ and ASTM. Our standard guideline values are WHO guidelines for drinking water quality 4th Edition .
Hargeisa Water Quality Control laboratory(HWQCL) is aiming to become internationally accredited laboratory in Somaliland through obtaining ISO17025.
To make sure the quality assurance of the laboratory HARGEISA WATER AGENCY (HWA) hired qualified and experienced laboratory staff and currently the laboratory is fully functional with over 30 water quality parameters.
HARGEISA WATER AGECNY ( HWA)has the mandate to supply water to the people of Hargeisa city and by developing the country leading water quality control laboratory . HARGEISA WATER AGENCY will be in a position to monitor the quality of water supplied to Hargeisa and which for sure will play a vital role in reduction water born disease in the country and other health risking pertaining to water contaminates.