Current Situation of Hargeisa Water System

Throughout the year, Hargeisa Water Agency carries out continuous maintenance of the old pipeline that brings water to the growing city of Hargeisa.  The pipeline is the only regular supply for the city and without it hundreds of thousands would go without water.

Mohamed is one of hundreds of donkey cart owners who provide the essential service of delivering water to the poorest communities in Hargeisa.  As there has been no new pipe work in Hargeisa since 1994, Mohamed takes water from one of the 400 public kiosks directly to the residents of Somaliland’s capital – ©HUWSUP, 2013
Cumar works for Hargeisa Water Agency, UN-Habitat’s partner for HUWSUP.  He currently struggles to keep the aging infrastructure, built by the Chinese in 1972 running.  In 2016 when the project is completed, Cumar will be trained to operate the new modern pumping station that will bring millions of additional litres to the city of Hargeisa.
Only 40% of the population of Hargeisa have access to the clean water supplied by Hargeisa Water Agency.  The other 60% pay 4 times as much for their water from unreliable water resources.  HUWSUP, the EU funded water project, will address this inequality by pumping millions of extra litres every day to the city.